Honor a Veteran with a Flag in the Memorial Day Honor Garden

The Indiana War Memorials Commission and Indiana War Memorials Foundation are honoring veterans with personalized American flags placed in an Honor Garden during Memorial Day. For a $10 donation to the Indiana War Memorials Foundation, you can have your special veteran’s name placed on a flag and displayed surrounding the Indiana War Memorial one week prior to and one week after the holiday. Donations are accepted online through the IWMF website and will:
- Create a significant display of veterans’ service while honoring individual service men and women.
- Beautify the Indiana War Memorial during the Memorial Day holiday.
- Invite visitors to the Indiana War Memorial.
Here’s how it works:
- Online donations of $10 will be accepted from April 22 – May 19. A limited number of flags will be available for the 2019 Memorial Day Honor Garden.
- Donors will receive an email confirmation and thank you message which will serve as their receipt.
- A veteran’s name will be attached to each flag and flags will be displayed surrounding the Indiana War Memorial in alphabetical order. Donors are welcome to visit the Honor Garden and take photos while the flags are on display from May 19 – June 3.
- Donors may pick up their veteran’s flag at the Indiana War Memorial information desk from June 4-18.
- Online donations of $25 will be accepted to create and maintain the Honor Garden.
- A list of sponsor names will be placed within the Honor Garden.
Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to recognize Hoosier veterans! Order your Honor Flag or become an Honor Garden Sponsor today or visit the 2019 Memorial Day Honor Garden May 19 – June 3.
For more information, please contact Marie Beason at mariebeason@indianawarmemorials.org.